We’re Not Really Like That

Dumped by her boyfriend just short of her thirtieth birthday, kicked out of her flat share and without a job, Marie Schroeder sees no other solution but to move back home with her parents. Yet when she meets an unknown woman in the house upon her arrival, she realises that it might not be that easy after all. In the following weeks, the Schroeder household becomes a bit cramped, as two other women have moved in, also experiencing a crisis. Daily life soon becomes a challenge when faced with the nagging parents, a crybaby, a diva and a woman with all the charm of a bolt cutter. Surely the involuntary residential community will make the one and only man in the area who Marie fancies run a mile …

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: Knaur TB
  • Release: 03.08.2015
  • 352 pages
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Alex Stiebritz

Luisa Binder

Luisa Binder has studied all sorts of art related things in her life that have not really helped her. Nevertheless, she did get a job with an advertising agency. In her free time she likes to visit her parents, who luckily she no longer lives with. Luisa Binder is married and lives in a tranquil small town in the Rhein-Neckar region. She loves raison-free cheesecake and is learning Swedish in her spare time.