Welcome to the Foreign Rights department!
Here you will find current titles and our Rights Guides.
If you have any questions, please contact foreignright@droemer-knaur.de
Here you will find current titles and our Rights Guides.
If you have any questions, please contact foreignright@droemer-knaur.de
Groh Verlag & Pattloch
Ute Körner Literary Agent / Sandra Rodericks sandra.rodericks@uklitag.com
C/Aragó, 224-pral-2
08011 Barcelona / Spain
Tel.: +34-93-3238970
Fax: +34-93-3238969
NiKa Literarische Agentur / Vania Kadiyska nika@techno-link.com
Slavejkov Square 11
1000 Sofia / Bulgaria
Tel.: +359-2-987-3986
Fax: +359-2-983-2025
Editio Dialog Agency / Dr. Michael Wenzel dr.wenzel@editio-dialog.com
45, rue Saint André
59800 Lille / France
Tel.: +33-3-20180375
Fax: +33-3-20180376
Literary Agency Iris / Mrs. Catherine Fragou irislit@otenet.gr
Komotinis 18
Balla & Sztojkov Agency / Catherine Balla ballalit@ballalit.hu
Szerb utca 17. I/4
1056 Budapest - Hungary
Tel.: +36-1-456 03 11
Fax: +36-1-215 4420
The Deborah Harris Agency / Efrat Lev efrat@thedeborahharrisagency.com
9 Yael Street
93502 Jerusalem / Israel
Berla e Griffini Rights Agency / Barbara Griffini info@bgagency.it
Via Gian Giacomo Mora 7
20123 Milano / Italy
Meike Marx Literary Agency meike.marx@gol.com
2-6-5 Otoe-cho
Fukagawa / Hokkaido 074-1273 / Japan
Tel.: Tel.: +81-164-251466
Fax: +81-164-263833
BC Agency / Richard Hong r-hong@bookcosmos.com
5 FL, Sunghwa Bldg.
463-3 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu / Seoul 121-841 / Korea
MOMO Agency / Geenie Han geeniehan@mmagency.co.kr
309-51 Seongsan-ro
Seodaemun-gu / Seoul 03706 Korea
Marianne Schönbach Literary Agency m.schonbach@schonbach.nl
Rokin 44 III
1012 KV Amsterdam / Netherlands
Tel.: +31-20-6200020
Fax: +31-20-6240450
GRAAL Sp. z o.o. / Tomasz Berezinski tomasz.berezinski@graal.com.pl
ul. Pruszkowska 29/252
02-118 Warszawa / Poland
Tel.: +48-22 895-20-00
Fax: +48-22 895-20-01
Simona Kessler International / Copyright Agency office@kessler-agency.ro
Banul Antonache 37
011663 Bukarest / Romania
Alexander Schwarz Literary Agency alexander@alexanderschwarzliteraryagency.com
Jekschotseweg 6
5491 RB Sint-Oedenrode / Netherlands
Tel: +31-6-81 44 88 30
Akcali Agency / Atilla Izgi Turgut atilla@akcalicopyright.com
Bahariye Cad. 8/9-10
34714 Kadikoy / Istanbul / Turkey